The Buck Foundation

A family foundation with a commitment to peace, social justice and the prevention of climate catastrophe.

Over $7 million granted...

Since 1986 we have supported peace and social justice initiatives and in 2021 we added climate action to our mission.

"Those who drink the water must remember those who dug the well"

— David Buck's Favorite Chinese Proverb

Awarded Grants

Our climate action grant partners advance initiatives that lower greenhouse gas emissions and toxic neighborhood pollution, bring clean energy to under-resourced communities, and create clean energy jobs.

Our peace and social justice grant partners focus on systemic change that addresses the the root causes of injustice. They also provide workers, youth, immigrants and refugees with resources, skills and support to obtain safe housing, education and job opportunities. They prevent homelessness by supporting emergency resource programs and by advocating for policies that support homeless communities.

Our Grants